Week of 06 July 2021

No, it isn’t a nautilus shell cross section, it’s a map of the Arrondissements (Districts) of Paris, and the star shows the location of IMMR right in the 14th!
Paris was first divided in arrondissements back in 1795 during the French Revolution. Then in 1860, Napoleon III redesigned Paris with 8 new arrondissements. Today, Paris is served by two international airports and seven major train stations, making IMMR conveniently accessible to innovators in Europe, North America, Israel and Asia.
Here at IMMR, consistent with public health requirements and our own best practices, we maintain strict procedures to help safeguard the health of our staff and all of our guests. Over the past several months, clients from across Europe as well as from North America and Israel have continued to be able to come to Paris to work safely and successfully in our labs. Other clients have also taken advantage of IMMRemote to be able to continue working remotely with us in real time, with excellent user experience feedback. Both these options remain available to you. Our team keeps up to date on travel requirements and we will assist you with your travel plans to reach IMMR.
Contact us to learn more and discuss your preclinical research and pathology needs.
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